Monday, June 28, 2010

One of the best gemstones shops of our city

charoite, seraphinite in silver
nephrite, jade, turquoise
tourmaline, nephrite, lapis lazuli
amethyst, coral, agate, charoite, nephrite
charoite pendants
charoite pendants
charoite pendants, rhodonite pendants
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
gemstone shope, store
Seraphinite, charoite, agate, tourmaline, gagat, onix, amethyst and many other gemstones from Russia.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gemstone party

seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite
seraphinite, charoite

Each monday at 10.00, in the certain place of Irkutsk city people which are interested in the gemstones meet. There are manufacturers and resellers. There the executed orders are transferred to customers, gemstones items are exposed for sale. People exchange news and experience. It is called gemstone party (tusovka)

Difference between charoite and seraphinite

Best quality charoite
Best quality charoite
Best quality charoite
Best quality charoite
About difference between charoite and seraphinite.

1. Prices of raw material: seraphinite 5 - 20 $ for 1 kg, charoite 10$ - 100$ for 1kg

2. Connected with it: Charoite happens very different, seraphinite differs not so strongly.

3. If I buy raw seraphinite I approximately know, that will turn out from it. If I buy raw charoite it can be turn out nothing. Below purple cork can be only black aegirine. Or charoite will have low quality. Even for the skilled person it remains a lottery. I can buy charoite block with no one cutted side for 100$. If I ask to cut one side to look for quality. After cutting the price can be raised on 100$ else. Or drop to 15-20$

4. Charoite is much more difficult to process. It is much firmer.

5. Even charoite is cutted. After polishing it can reveal in all beauty, or it can become average quality

6. Seraphinite is ordered (yet). Quality charoite is hunted.

About defference between charoite and charoite.

Criteria of quality of charoite as it is at us.

It is 2 types of charoite: sorted and not sorted.

Sorted: Than more purple and than less extraneous inclusions (like tinaksite, aegirine, quartz ...) than it is better.

3 sort: More than 50% of inclusions, pale-violet, brown or more likely dark blue than violet color, many cracks. Collapses at processing. Nobody is necessary. We throw out it.

2 - 1 sort. 10 - 50% of inclusions, like tinaksite, quartz and aegirine. Good enough color. It approaches for large products,like spheres, vases, other stone carving. 10 - 20% of this charoite can be chosen for jewellery. 10 - 50$ for raw material.

Best, highest quality: not more than 10% of inclusions. The expressed purple violet color. And sites of crystal charoite that give game of light (iridiscent). Than more than better.

Not sorted charoite. Charoite that have not purple color or/and many inclusions and by these criteria can be considered 3 - 2 sort. But they are very beautiful.

Repair of Seraphinite

If your seraphinite gemstone is damaged.

To correct the form you need a file ( I am surprised that it is one word for instrument and computer file:) for processing of metal.

You need for repairing 3 water resistant grinding papers like on pictures. They can be found in shops of things for processing bodies of cars or care of cars for about 0.5$ each. There is a designation on a underside. For repairing you need 3 types: 1. P150 or P300 or P400, 2.. P800 or P1000 or P1200. 3. P2000 or higher. (higher is better) for polishing


1. Wet damaged place and rub with effort by file damaged place. You need to remove " a superfluous stone " and to soften the turned out sides.

2. . You take paper 1. Wet it and rub with small effort (should appear "milk") the damaged place before disappearance of scratchs from the file.

3 By paper type 2 you remove scratchs from paper 1. Surface must become more matte.
4. The processed places will differ by dullness from shine of other surface. You take paper 3. Also wet and rub before occurrence of shine.

You can begin to repair from paper type 1. Without file. But it will be little more time and more difficulty to change the form.

VERY IMPORTANT WARNING: Do not touch not damaged places by file and by grinding papers. They can make scratchs on the surface. It is better to turn seraphinite in a fabric or cloth having left outside only the damaged place for processing

I am sorry for my english. If something is not clearly let me know.

Friday, June 18, 2010


seraphinite pebble

Seraphinite is the name of this gemstone that is most used from recent time. In Russia it is more known, as "clorite", “clinoclore", “talco-clorite”. The name “Seraphinite” has appeared in the United States. The American psychics have seen its communication with angels "seraph". Besides figure of a stone, silvery fibres " really reminds angelic wings or "luminescence".

Economy of a stone.

The stone is rather technological, It is polishing well. Produce from it: spheres, figures and figures of animals, souvenirs in the form of a river pebble, cabochons for jewelry. Seraphintte is popular on eBay. It is selling by the American sellers (in 2 - 3 times are more dear), and Russians.

Influence on health.

Psychics speak, that seraphinite treats. I do not know (knock, knock, knock). :-) It is a lot of information on medical properties of stones on the Internet. I basically do not represent, as it is possible to trace influence of a stone on health even if similar cannot make with influence on health of cellular telephones for exaple. In any case all over again the doctor, and stones already as addition. In fact they such beautiful, directly, as greater color tablets (only for external application) :-).

Mystical properties

They writes, accordingly, that seraphinite helps to establish communication with angels. It strongly develops intimate chakra, etc. I work with gemstones 15 years. From them 10 with seraphinite. Probably, something is. But through my hands so much stones have passed, literally tens tons, and thus I cannot tell definitely how on me, on my development the stone has affected. It is much more, than a stone I was affected with work with it. When you do monotonous work with it hours and thus the essence of work demands a constant concentration (has left ideas where - that, a stone and has pulled out from hands both about a wall, and in tinkling sounds or in an eye), it is already and meditation, with some effects, especially in next night. But it is necessary to do any work as similar meditation, even for quality of its performance. With the same success it is possible to meditate on a pencil. It is necessary to be a sensitive to see all effects of a stone. And those who writes about it, probably them are.